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Rocky Mountains 2016

Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Geowissenschaftliches Institut
Leader: Prof. Th. Kenkmann, Dr. Jakob Wilk, Dr. Matthias Ebert
Duration: 14 days (18.9. - 1.10.2016)
Two geotraverses from Great Salt Lake to Colorado Springs and back. Basin and Range Tectonics, Wasatch Fault, Ore deposits (Bingham, Tintic Mountains), Stratigraphy of the Colorado Plateau, Upheaval Dome Impact structure, La Sal Mountains (Lackolith), Salt and Paradox valley, Laramide style orogeny, Neogene magmatism, Front Range Tectonics.

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Report in german (10 pages, pdf-download)