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Elective Tracks


Geohazards are an increasing threat to human life, infrastructure, and economics. Our geohazards elective track provides process-oriented knowledge about the most relevant geohazards including modeling approaches as well as concepts of hazard and risk assessment. The successful students are, e.g., qualified for professional activities in consulting engineering companies, insurance companies, and local authorities.

Applied Quaternary Geology covers a wide range of aspects relevant to society. This elective track  provides an understanding of Earth surface processes and how global change affects our planet. In particular,
related geohazards and their management are considered. Additionally, relevant topic such as hydrogeology and geotechnics are subjects of this program. See video for further information.



Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Minerals and rocks - as well as processes of their origin, transformation and interaction in the environment are of central importance in Earth sciences and material technologies.  We offer course curriculum that combines process-oriented approaches, laboratory and instrumental methods and computer modeling. Our graduates have job opportunities in public sector, private companies and consultancy including resource exploration, rock and water analytics and material processing.



Geomechanics and Tectonics are indispensable disciplines in modern geoscience. Students have the opportunity to study mechanical rock properties and the physical boundary conditions that control the behavior of rocks and geo-systems, including concepts and methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. These topics provide a sound basis for a professional career in various fields of Applied Geology.